HODUNS was the result of my reflections on human individuality in the metropolis. It is dedicated to the uniqueness of each individual personality in a big bustling and sometimes overwhelming city. I think everyone is familiar with the feeling of loneliness and “smallness” in an infinitely huge, bustling and crowded city. So was born a series of works called HODUNS-UNS, now this cycle is already completed, but the series Hoduns is not finished. After it new Hoduns were born, the continuation of the series “Hodun space”, in this series Hodun is no longer alone in a huge metropolis, he finds his place in the world, his planet, his cloud, his couple. This series is more about exploring the inner sense of comfort and reflecting on the fact that each of us builds our own “universe” around us. The name “Hodun space” was inspired by the phrase “safe space”, a place where one can feel truly safe. Each of us is looking for such a place in the world. And first of all we find it inside ourselves. My hoduns are like children, not afraid to live, love, search and just be themselves.